Shun Hashimoto is an aspiring gay novelist who finds Mio Chibana, an orphaned high school student, attractive. It is one of the first movies made by legendary studio Madhouse and also a heartbreaking tale you want to embark on. The premise doesn’t give you any boys love feeling, but you have plenty of boy-on-boy action in this anime movie. When he meets a seductive woman, he begins to explore all those feelings. However, this is only how he acts on the outside to cover up his naivety and frailness. He believes that most emotions such as love and anger are unnecessary, and even sex is nothing more of a survival need. Natsu e no TobiraĪlthough Marion is only a fifteen-year-old boy studying in a French Boarding school, he has matured principles. However, it still packs the punch with right emotions and romance. The only flaw this anime has is its length because if it was like an hour or hour and a half, it would’ve been the perfect anime. Lesson XX is a short and sweet yaoi anime movie with 49 minutes of duration. Could his attraction to his friend really be love? or is he craving for something physical? However, one thing that’s lacking to him is intimacy with his classmate Ichitaro Sakura. Shizuka’s high school life is going pretty well with good friends, great grades, and popularity.